Chronicle of a Stem Cell Transplant (and on through to the other side)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Countdown...

Last time I wrote, I was on my way to a week long retreat at Brew Creek Lodge near Whistler. It is indescribable in terms of the effect it had on me, but I can say that it was like going away to Camp "Inward Bound"...what Outward Bound is in terms of physical endurance, this was in regard to the psyche. The retreat was attended by an incredible group of participants, with varying cancer diagnoses, including a music therapist, a homeopath, a documentary film maker, an HR specialist, an accountant, a stay-at-home mother and a high school teacher.

The retreats are organized four times a year by an organization called The Callanish Society which has been working with cancer patients for many years. Volunteers, all nutritionists, came to cook for us (delicious organic, whole foods) and we were spoiled with homemade cookies, donated flowers in each of our rooms and welcome cards, also made by volunteers. If you are ever looking to contribute to a worthwhile cause, Callanish is making a real difference in the lives of many cancer patients and their families. All in all, I came back rested, well-fed, and with an incredible sense of calm. It was an experience of a lifetime.

The lodge itself was beautiful and cozy, surrounded by about three feet of snow.

I had a lovely room at the end of the hall in the main house.

I left my window open all week so I could hear the gurgling creek below.

In other news, I'm making progress with Team In Training. We're up to 15km this week...oh god...Here we are after, what was it, 13km? Only 29 more to call it a full marathon...

AND, last but not least, only three more days left of radiation - Friday is my last day! I have been back at it for the past 2 weeks and aside from an irritated throat and some minor fatigue, I don't feel too bad. Hopefully, this will mark the end of 10 months of treatment and we can call it a day with this whole cancer "thing!"